Flyer Connection

The Upper Arlington City School District recognizes the value in notifying families and students about unique educational, intellectual, physical, and social opportunities that happen within our community. While nothing requires a school district to allow organizations access to send material home with students, the Upper Arlington City School District has created a Flyer Connection on its website to offer this service. This service is not a public forum, and the Board of Education/designee reserves the right to refuse to include a flyer if it is not in the best interests of the school community or otherwise does not meet the Board’s requirements.

UASoccerCamp2025Flyer (PDF)

Train like a Bear at the 2025 UA Boys Soccer Camp - June 23-26 at the turf practice fields at Upper Arlington High School. In this summer camp for boys entering grades 1 through 8 this fall, UAHS boys varsity coaches, players and staff will offer skill development and small sided games in a fun learning environment. 

A flyer for the Human Connections Festival

The UA Schools Human Connections Festival (HCF) is a student-led event created to celebrate culture, explore diverse lived experiences, learn from new perspectives, and build relationships. We invite Upper Arlington students, staff, PTO groups and UA community groups of all ages to join us for our 2025 HCF.

This year the event will be held on February 26th (and the 27th) during lunch periods in the GBB and an open community event from 6-7:30 pm. Students may register to host a table by February 10th through the link on their class canvas page or by scanning the QR codes located on posters around the school.

BeWISEFlyers1 (PDF)

Be WISE Camp will offer a summer residential STEM camp for girls entering 7th and 8th grades in the fall of 2025 and a day camp for girls entering 5th and 6th grades. The camps are held at Muskingum University in New Concord, Ohio from June 15-20.

ARISEPrinter-FriendlyFlier_2025 (PDF)

ARISE (ARts through Intergenerational Social Engagement), a collaboration between CAPA, GrowIN and The Ohio State University, is a five-week intergenerational summer program focused on storytelling through the fine arts. This program provides teens with the opportunity to work with a professional arts organization, to earn 25 volunteer service hours, to attend free arts event throughout the summer, and to experience how the fine arts can be used as a tool for wellness.

SpringBreakTVPFlyer32025 (PDF)

Once again, Upper Arlington Schools is partnering with the Tri-Village Packers to support their Spring Break 2025 food distribution program. The Tri-Village Packers will distribute food and grocery items to families with UA students for the days out of school (March 15 - 24). The food will be provided at no cost to district families experiencing food insecurity who would benefit from additional food. To sign up for this round of food distribution, please complete this form by February 27, 2025. 


ASSEP2025DistrictFlyer (PDF)

The Arts and Sciences Summer Exploration Program at The Ohio State University offers middle and high school students one-week intensive academic enrichment courses intended to introduce them to new areas of study or allow them to engage in content they may already have an interest in.

SDCFlyer2 (PDF)

Registration for Summer Day Camps with UA Parks & Recreation is now open to verified residents. UA Parks & Recreation offers a Therapeutic Recreation Camp and several sites of Summer Day Camp at both UA schools and city park shelters for a period of 8, 9 or 10 weeks depending on the site. See the flyer for more info. 

COLA2025InfoSheet298862 (PDF)

Applications for the 2025 Central Ohio Leadership Academy (COLA) are now open. This six-day, tuition-free summer program is designed for rising juniors and seniors. COLA provides an immersive, high-impact experience where students develop the skills, confidence, and self-awareness needed to lead with purpose in their schools, communities, and beyond.

Submit a Flyer

Nonprofit organizations wishing to have flyers posted on the district’s Flyer Connection must first submit an application, proof of nonprofit status and a PDF file of the flyer to the Communications Office by completing the online form or emailing All materials must be submitted ten (10) days prior to the desired date of posting. Please see the Flyer Guidelines for requirements that must be met before any application will be considered. 

Flyer Submission Form

Flyer Guidelines

Community Resources

City of Upper Arlington Parks & Recreation

The Parks & Recreation Department offers an array of programs and activities to fulfill the recreational, cultural and educational needs of the community. Please visit their website for current programming.